Ashley Havinden (1903 – 1973)
Ashley Havinden, British textiles designer, began his career in advertising at the firm Crawfords. Along with his life in advertising, Havinden was also an artist. His work was exhibited at the Lund Humphries Gallery (1937) and the London Gallery (1937). In collaborating with Alistair Morton of Edinburgh Weavers, Havinden was able to bring his designs to life in textiles. Morton strongly believed in helping designers transform their work into textiles for mass production. During the war, Havinden traveled Europe, meeting with many people who would help shape his work. In his travels, he met European refugee artists like Walter Gropius and Marcel Breuer. With these relationships, Havinden’s work began to take on a painterly quality, utilizing cooler color tones. His fabrics were displayed at the Paris and San Francisco exhibitions in 1937 and 1939.